Friday, May 22, 2009

Pictures of MEEI, Nazareth and Galilee

This is the sunrise Jeff was talking about.

This is the first cloud I had seen thus far.

Pre-sunrise, 5:15am.

A waterfall feeds into the Sea of Galilee.

Group members reflecting on the sea before some dove in.

These amazing purple trees dot the landscape, this one was near the Church of the Beatitudes.

The Sea of Galilee from the view of the Church of the Beatitudes... my favorite place so far.

Nazareth... quite a bit different from what we read about in the Bible.

This is the cover for their new album.

Perhaps where Jesus lived as a boy?

Church built on top of the home of Mary and Joseph.

Table at the Church of Annunciation

Open-air market in Nazareth

Rehearsing for a play

High-schoolers at MEEI

We had great 1:1 discussions after talking with the whole class.

Inviting smiles filled the classroom.

Andy discusses issues with some of the guys.

Maggie discusses issues with some of the gals.

Group members prepare for an uninhibited conversation with high-schoolers at MEEI.

(Photos by Kelli Minor)


  1. Know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers and that God's grace surrounds the entire team and the people of Israel and Palestine that you will meet and be with. Oh and have a lot of fun.

    Jim Hook

  2. Love the photos!
    When will the new album be released?
    Can't wait to hear it! :)
